Welcoming “Wandering Shee”

Dear Readers,

Hello! Ollah! Magandang buhay! How are you?

Welcome to my new baby blog!

Last December 2014, I launched my @wanderingcheekygirl side. Back then, it was my intention to create an online diary which I can look at 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years after. It’s like silently talking to you, guys, and slowly compiling my expressions and adventures.

I recently had my isolation/stay at home birthday. I felt like ageing already and had the idea of “maturing” a bit. With that, I’d like to drop the “cheekygirl” in my pen name, put a more personal touch, and launch a blog which I can maintain, now that I’ve moved to another side of the world. I’ve been with blogger since then. I felt that it is now the time to try WordPress.

Explore. Never stop learning.

This blog will most likely contain my travels, personal thoughts, cooking adventures, and anything under the sun that I feel sharing.

I call this as my baby blog because I am still learning the ropes so bear with me. Thank you for being here. Hope to see you in my other posts.

Feel free to leave a comment. Follow my social media accounts for updates.

There you go. With the new logo, please welcome, “Wandering Shee“.

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